Book reviews are critical to getting your title noticed in today’s overcrowded publishing space. Booksellers, librarians, and discerning readers depend on unbiased reviews from a trusted source to help them discover compelling new books. Objective reviews are the key. Book-buying professionals do not pay attention to “likes” or softball testimonials on author pages.

We take a small fee of 19.99 $ -for blog maintenance and posting review on this blog. However we post review on amazon for free.. Using a team of more than 5 qualified reviewers, we deliver a superbly written, credible, 400 to 500 word review/critique in 2 to 3 weeks. With your permission, the review will be posted on this blog and Amazon.
Our service is ideal for books that haven’t received review attention and need more than a capsule summary.
The service provides three important elements to be used immediately in your marketing efforts:

1.) A Money Quote: Placed on top of the review, this powerful testimonial boils down the entire piece into one sentence, telling readers instantly what distinguishes this book. It uses active, dynamic language that can be lifted easily for promotional purposes.

2.) The First Paragraph: This well-written introduction tells readers, in a compact, conversational, positive way, what the book is about and what our reviewer thought of it. It could also stand alone, if necessary, as a one-paragraph mini-review.

3.) Star Rating for Entire Review: 400-500 words detailing much more than a mere plot synopsis. our reviews give authors and readers a comprehensive critique of the writing, plot, pacing, characters, packaging, and other elements that will influence potential book buyers.
The reader will not only know what the book is about, they will get a complete analysis from a professional writer who specializes in specific fields of study (book genres). Your book will be rated with 3 to 5 stars for excellence.


If you are ready to get your book reviewed, simply fill the form below.

We accept all genres.

Attach a copy of your book with the form ( pdf, doc, docx, mobi, epub )
Once the payment is done you will receive a confirmation email in your inbox and the review process will begin.

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